Maxeler Technologies and fragmentiX Partner to Deliver Data Storage and Computing Solutions
Maxeler and fragmentiX closely cooperate to provide data optimized specialized HPC environments with the highest possible performance and data protection.LEGaTO Project Concludes With Major Contributions to Energy Efficiency in Heterogeneous Computing
Maxeler's contributions to the LEGaTO project include a phenomenal 822x speedup in the biomarker analysis application as well as improvements to to fault-tolerance, security and programmability in FPGA-based systems.LhARA: world-leading radiobiology and novel technology development
Maxeler Technologies is part of the Laser-hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications (LhARA) consortium to develop new facility for ultra-high intensity beams for biological analysis.Maxeler Technologies Develops Real Time FPGA-Based Processing for European XFEL
Maxeler Technologies is developing programmable hardware enabling real-time line-rate processing for calibration and visualization of the raw data streams produced by the XFEL X-ray detector.European Project to Build Programming Frameworks for Exascale Computing
Maxeler Technologies joins EXA2PRO consortium to boost programmability of Exascale computing systems.Xilinx Launches the World's Fastest Data Center and AI Accelerator Cards
Maxeler Technologies collaborates with Xilinx on their recently launched Alveo data center cards.EU Project Delivers Open-Source Simulator for Cyber-Physical Systems
The European funded COSSIM project, involving Maxeler, has delivered a powerful open-source simulation framework for cyber-physical systems (CPS) and Cloud.Maxeler Dataflow Engine Speeds Compliance Capture and Analytics for Financial Institutions
InsideHPC reports on Maxeler’s announcement to collaborate with Hitachi Data Systems to address the demands of new financial legislation and compliance regulations.COOL Chips XIX - Maxeler to achieve high performance in data flow computing (in Japanese)
Mynavi, Japan reports on Oskar Mencer's talk at COOL Chips XIX. The article covers Maxeler’s Multiscale Dataflow technology, the OpenSPL initiative, Maxeler's App Gallery and new dataflow chip architectures.Research at University College Cork into cloud energy efficiency
The Irish Times reports on the CloudLightning project where Maxeler partners with academia and industry to develop a power-efficient cloud computing infrastructure. The envisioned cloud system will include dataflow systems to achieve highly efficient processing and CloudLightning will focus on providing a self-management infrastructure and simple access to cloud resources.Juniper goes after financial services with its new 'server on a switch'.
Networkworld also reports on Juniper's new application acceleration switch and packet flow accelerator module that includes Maxeler's data-flow technology. The article provides an in-depth analysis of market use cases and the contribution of the included Maxeler platform.Traders Bank On Server Switch Hybrids For Performance Boost.
The Platform covers the new application acceleration switch developed by Juniper in partership with Maxeler. The article covers detailed technical information of the application acceleration switch.Juniper Networks Brings Computing Network Power to Wall St.
EnterpriseTech reports on the new application acceleration switch and packet flow accelerator module that Juniper Networks developed in partnership with Maxeler Technologies. The QFX5100-AA application acceleration switch and QFX-PFA packet flow accelerator module are based on Juniper’s QFX product family and they designed to bring computing performance and customizable logic into the network to accelerate critical business applications for financial institutions relying on real-time data. More information on this topic can be found here and here.FASTER: Multi-national research project successfully completed. (in Chinese)
EET Taiwan reports on the FASTER FP7 ICT project that aimed to simplify the analysis and synthesis for reconfigurable technology. FASTER has investigated various approaches for dynamic reconfiguration, including region-based reconfiguration to swap larger functional units, and micro-reconfiguration to make fine grain changes to a design. During the project, a complete design methodology along with several implementation and verification techniques were developed. The project was successfully completed in November 2014.Maxeler Technologies: Top 20 most promising networking companies
Maxeler Technologies is selected as one of the top 20 most promising networking companies in the CIO Review's round-up of the industry in its July magazine edition as featured on page 20.Industry Trailblazers Honoured at Frost & Sullivan's Best Practices Awards Banquet
Maxeler honoured for exceptional performance at Frost & Sullivan's prestigious awards ceremony.This Week in HPC: CORAL’s 200 Petaflop Supercomputers and Maxeler HPC Debut at Daresbury
InsideHPC reports in audio on the Maxeler deployment of MPC-X based Supercomputer to STFC Daresbury as part of the UK Labs new World-leading Energy-Efficient Computing Research Centre.Customize, instead of wasting: How do we handle large amounts of data in real time
The University of Hildesheim releases a press statement in German about the new Qualimaster EU funded consortium researching the ability to handle large amounts of real-time data to analyse systemic risk in markets. The other partners are the L3S Research Center in Hannover, the "Telecommunication Systems Institute" at the Technical University of Crete, Spring Techno in Bremen and Maxeler Technologies.CME Group and Chevron launch new spatial programming standard
Techworld reports on the new OpenSPL standard for spatial programming.The Mobile Offshore Drilling Units Market 2012-2022 (payment required)
Oliver Pell, VP of Engineering at Maxeler, talks to Visiongain about how Maxeler can help solve the computing challenges facing the oil & gas industry.Need for speed: banks explore FPGAs for portfolio modelling (subscription required)
This feature in Risk Magazine discusses the use of Maxeler's dataflow technology in intra-day risk calculation at J.P. Morgan.January 27, 2012
January, 2012
December 29, 2011
December 20, 2011
December 16, 2011
Investment bank J.P. Morgan goes live with FPGA Maxeler supercomputer
Computer Weekly covers the news that J.P. Morgan has gone live with a new, more powerful Maxeler dataflow supercomputer in a new area of the business.December 13, 2011
Maxeler Makes Waves With Dataflow Design
This article talks about how Maxeler's dataflow technology is winning converts and how J.P. Morgan has been deploying this technology to great effect in their trading groups.
December 15, 2011
J.P. Morgan expands deployment of FPGA-based supercomputer
ComputerworldUK talks about how the latest deployment of Maxeler dataflow supercomputing technology at J.P. Morgan delivers a leap forward in performance and provides a competitive advantage in new areas of the business. Also on, CIO Magazine UK, PC Advisor UK.December 13, 2011
December 7, 2011
J.P. Morgan IT project voted 'most cutting edge'
This article covers the 2011 American Financial Technology Awards, where J.P. Morgan won 'Most Cutting Edge IT Initiative' for their deployment of Maxeler dataflow technology.October 29, 2011
HPC China: Best Practice for Solving Large and Complex Problems (Simplified Chinese)
Stephen Weston from J.P. Morgan and Oskar Mencer, CEO of Maxeler, present keynote at HPC China 2011. Stephen gives an overview of the computational complexity facing J.P. Morgan and then explains how Maxeler Technologies enables J.P. Morgan to calculate thousands of scenarios - something that cannot be achieved with a traditional CPU platform. A typical computation task which used to take J.P. Morgan several hours to process can now be completed in just a few seconds.October 23, 2011
Turning Innovation into International Success Distributed with the Sunday Telegraph
Maxeler features in this article that discusses how Mentor Graphics aids entrepreneurs.Cre8Ventures helped Maxeler get to market quickly in the early days by providing links into their client network and access to technology provided by Mentor and their partners.September 1, 2011
The Oil & Gas Drilling Technologies Market 2011-2021 (payment required)
Oliver Pell, VP of Engineering at Maxeler, talks to Visiongain about the type of application that Maxeler has worked on with our clients and the computing technology challenges that face the industry.July 11, 2011
J.P. Morgan supercomputer offers risk analysis in near real-time
Maxeler and J.P. Morgan feature in this article that describes how J.P. Morgan is now able to run risk analysis and price its global credit portfolio in near real-time after implementing a solution using Maxeler's technology.July 4, 2011
IT can drive profits, not just savings, says HPC expert
Oskar Mencer, CEO of Maxeler, talks about the huge opportunity for IT for help drive revenues by giving application developers more of a say in designing the systems on which their applications run. Also on Computerworld Brazil (Portuguese)June 20, 2011
June 9, 2011
May 2, 2011
J.P. Morgan invests in Maxeler, maker of FPGA accelerators with hundreds of pipelines (Japanese)
This article discusses the use of Maxeler technology in J.P. Morgan's financial index and equities prediction systems and in Chevron's investigation of earth properties under the sea floor in search of oil. The article also notes that the research lab of Professor Fujita Masahiro at Tokyo University is enrolled into Maxeler's University program, MAX-UP, using MaxWorkStations in their HPC-related research on topics such as tsunami simulation.Maxeler Carves High-End Niche with HPC Acceleration Business
Michael Feldman, HPCwire Editor, describes how Maxeler has built us its business and the uniqueness of Maxeler's approach.