Research Projects

Maxeler Technologies is proud to collaborate with our university partners on a range of joint research projects. If you are interested to become a MAX-UP member or if you are interested in writing a research grant proposal jointly with Maxeler, please contact

Past projects

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The NGS4P project has delivered an LLM based medical RAG system for pharmagenomics research in personalised cancer treatment. OPTIMA has delivered new tools and runtimes for application porting and development, enabling HPC applications to leverage future heterogeneous FPGA-based HPC systems. The EuroExa project has delivered a ground-breaking platform for extreme scale computing capable of 400 PFLOP peak performance with high energy efficiency by incorporating heterogeneous processing on reconfigurable hardware and focusing on dense system integration.
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EXA2PRO has developed a programming environment that enabled the productive deployment of highly parallel applications for exascale computing systems. The LEGaTO project addressed the need for greater energy efficiency in the ICT sector. While there was already a trend towards using heterogeneous accelerators, LEGaTO has delivered a software stack that focuses achieving greater energy efficiency. The SDK4ED project tackled the challenge of minimizing cost, time, and complexity of the software development processes, in particular for low-power and low-energy applications. This included the automatic optimization of both software quality and non-functional requirements.
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VINEYARD has developed an integrated platform for energy-efficient data centres based on new servers with novel, coarse-grain and fine-grain programmable accelerators. The EXTRA project targeted future exascale HPC applications through new architectures, tools that include reconfiguration as a design concept, and applications that are tuned to exploit run-time reconfiguration. AEGLE has provided cloud computing and accelerated HPC data analytics services for integrated and personalized healthcare services in Europe.
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The CloudLightning project has created a new way of provisioning heterogeneous cloud computing resources with reduced deployment and optimisation effort and improved efficiency through self-management. The COSSIM project has provided an open-source framework for seamlessly simulating both networking and processing parts of cyber-physical systems. Qualimaster focused on financial analysis by combining financial data streams and social web data, especially for analysis of systemic risk.
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SAVE has developed software/hardware technologies for efficient self-adaptive heterogeneous system architectures. The POLCA project developed a new mathematically-oriented programming language that can target both embedded and high performance systems. HARNESS has developed technologies for enabling truly heterogeneous cloud computing, supporting diverse compute, storage and connectivity technologies.
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HPCFinance has provided solutions for managing financial risks through High Performance Computing. FASTER has focussed on a new level of application performance by developing hardware synthesis technologies that fully exploit the potential of reconfigurable hardware technologies.