23 Sep 2007 - Maxeler and Stanford present latest seismic acceleration results at SEG
Maxeler Technologies and the Stanford Center for Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES) will present the latest work on acceleration of seismic processing using FPGAs this week at the 77th Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) Meeting in San Antonio, Texas. SEG is the premier geoscience event in the world, featuring more than 300 exhibiting international companies [...]
19 Sep 2007 - Maxeler Chairman to deliver keynote at HiPC
With microprocessors having hit the limits of attainable clock frequencies and acceptable power consumption, we have reached a significant inflection point in the high performance computing environment. Future significant improvements in performance must come from exploiting parallelism. Recognizing this, Intel and AMD are rapidly scaling up the number of cores per chip and processors per [...]
06 Jun 2007 - Stanford partners with Maxeler to explore accelerating seismic computations
The Stanford Center for Computational Earth and Environmental Science (CEES) and Maxeler Technologies Inc. have agreed to collaborate in a research partnership to explore the opportunity of accelerating seismic computations – a critical advance in the quest to expand capacity for new interdisciplinary Earth science research. “We are combining CEES’s expertise and experience with seismic [...]
28 Mar 2007 - Maxeler Chairman Michael J Flynn delivers keynote at IPDPS
Regardless of the number or speed of processors, performance is limited by the supply of data from memory. This depends on the access time to memory and thus on wire delay which remains constant with scaling. One solution to this memory wall is an architectural arrangement to stream data across multiple processing elements before storing [...]